Your gift includes a downloadable card that you can save to always remember the gift you’ve received.
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Hi Recipient Name, Your Name has sent you a special gift that represents kitting out an entire tiger protection team with apparel and camping equipment in Sumatra!
Your card comes with a heartfelt message from Your Name and an important purpose: protecting the world's vulnerable wildlife:
This very special virtual gift from Your Name includes a donation of to help protect threatened wildlife – today, tomorrow and for generations to come.
This is a gift like no other. An entire tiger protection team in Sumatra can receive the clothing and camping equipment they need thanks to your gift.
The largest of all cat species, this striped feline deserves to be recognised as king of the jungle. However, with fewer than 6,000 tigers left in the wild, every big cat counts. Your gift helps to help track tiger populations and protect them from poachers.
Your gift includes a downloadable card that you can save to always remember the gift you’ve received.
Click below to download your card
DOWNLOAD NOWThe gift you’re receiving also means you’re a part of a caring community of people who love wildlife and are passionate about defending it.
From all the tigers you're helping, and everyone at WWF-Australia, thank you!
If you’d like to stay updated on the impact your gift is making, click below.
CLICK HERE TO STAY UPDATEDHi Recipient Name, Your Name has sent you a special gift that represents kitting out an entire tiger protection team with apparel and camping equipment in Sumatra!
Your card comes with a heartfelt message from Your Name and an important purpose: protecting the world's vulnerable wildlife:
This very special virtual gift from Your Name includes a donation of to help protect threatened wildlife – today, tomorrow and for generations to come.
This is a gift like no other. An entire tiger protection team in Sumatra can receive the clothing and camping equipment they need thanks to your gift.
The largest of all cat species, this striped feline deserves to be recognised as king of the jungle. However, with fewer than 6,000 tigers left in the wild, every big cat counts. Your gift helps to help track tiger populations and protect them from poachers.
Your gift includes a downloadable card that you can save to always remember the gift you’ve received.
Click below to download your card
DOWNLOAD NOWThe gift you’re receiving also means you’re a part of a caring community of people who love wildlife and are passionate about defending it.
From all the tigers you're helping, and everyone at WWF-Australia, thank you!
If you’d like to stay updated on the impact your gift is making, click below.
CLICK HERE TO STAY UPDATEDTime is running out for tigers. These endangered big cats desperately need your protection or soon we'll lose them forever.
100,000 tigers were roaming the wild just 100 years ago. But by 2010, as few as 3,200 were left. Due to incredible conservation efforts, their numbers have since increased to around 5,574 - an encouraging sign that tragedy can be turned around for these magnificent creatures.
Every gift supports the work of WWF-Australia, and is directed to where the need is greatest. Your gift is making a positive impact towards achieving our shared mission to create a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.
Your generosity could help restore their vital habitats, symbolising your support for conservation and animal advocacy, and ensuring tigers remain part of our environment forever.
And for each tiger you assist, you'll help a host of other species too. As well as teaching younger generations about the importance of conservation.